
Personalized, human-powered job matching. Small Scale, Artisanal, Human-Powered.


Reach out to me if:

Origin Story

It all started with this LinkedIn post:

I might regret doing this but you only live once.

As some folks here know I've been trying to help folks out in a personal capacity where possible by doing matching - I've been looking at cases where people I know are hiring and people I know who are looking to be hired, and making intros where relevant.

So: if I know you personally/professionally, and you're hiring / want to be hired, please reach out. Happy to make connections and do a "why I think it's a fit both ways" type intro.

There's no catch. I'm doing this for the satisfaction of knowing I helped. Just know there's no SLA / guarantees for a match (I have done like 6-10 intros in the last 6 months). If it works I might scale it up a little, but I don't intend to become a recruiter (not my jam - it's super hard work!)

Why Milao?

The job market is rough out there. I'm trying to help friends where I can, that's all. I think personalized introductions make for more effective matches than mass applications. It doesn't scale, but it is more effective.
The phrase "milao to" translates roughly to "connect" or "help us meet" in Urdu


This is super low-tech and human powered. For now I've just put this site up so that I can easily update things and keep track of what I need to do, rather than remembering to check DMs across a bunch of different platforms.
This is effectively hand-crafted HTML for now, with no smarts. Not all data is public, so if someone I know isn't on this list, that might just be because they aren't comfortable making their data public.
If you know me, and you'd like to find a job or a candidate, please reach out and I can add you here and attempt to make a match.

How this works

If you are a job seeker, please send me a message with a bit of information about yourself and what you're looking for (along with resume if available - happy to provide feedback!)
If you are a hiring manager, please send me a message with a bit of information about the job you're looking to fill, and preferably a link to the job posting.
I'll do my best to make a match and *if* there is one, I'll send an email connecting both folks with a personalized message explaining why I think it's a fit and how I know each of you.

Privacy / Security / etc

I'm not a lawyer or privacy expert, and I'll do my best to protect data and keep it safe. Here are some factual statements right now:


You know where to find me. Not putting up my email here as the goal is to keep this only to people I know.